
Speeding Up Crop Growth
Watering Cans
You can use Watering Cans to increase the speed of crop growth manually. Watering Cans are filled by right-clicking on a Water block. To use the Watering Can, just hold right click on some plants.
Essence Watering Cans have the special ability to automatically water plants without manual input. Shift-right-click an Essence Watering Can in the air to toggle this functionality.
Growth Accelerators
A more hands off alternative to watering cans are Growth Accelerators. These blocks, when placed underneath a plant, will provide additional growth ticks to the plant above.
Area of Effect
Growth Accelerators apply growth ticks to the plant placed above it. Each tier of Growth Accelerator has a max range listed in its tooltip. Note that this range refers to how many blocks below the farmland/dirt it is effective.
Stacking Accelerators
Growth Accelerators of all tiers provide the same rate of growth ticks. Higher tiers however have a larger range, so you can stack more of them below a single plant. It doesn't matter which tier you use as long as the Growth Accelerator is placed within its max range.

Multiple tiers of Growth Accelerators stacked underneath some crops.