
Awakened Supremium
Awakened Supremium is used to create the highest tier tools and armor. These gear pieces have greater stats and gain an additional Augment slot!
Cognizant Dust
To create Awakened Supremium, you will need to collect rare material called Cognizant Dust. This is done by killing either a Wither or the Ender Dragon using an Essence Weapon that is enchanted with Mystical Enlightenment.

A Supremium Sword enchanted with Mystical Enlightenment.
The Awakening Altar
To create Awakened Supremium, you will need to build a special Altar. You will need an Awakening Altar, Awakening Pedestals and Essence Vessels. Placing the Altar in the world will show you where to place the Pedestals and Essence Vessels.

The Awakening Altar placed in the world with the ingredients needed to craft Awakened Supremium.
Placing Items
Items are placed onto the Altar by right-clicking on the Altar, Pedestals or Essence Vessels with the items in your hand.
Note: You may place the Pedestal items in any order you wish.
Activating The Altar
Once you have all of your items placed, you can start crafting a recipe. To activate the Awakening Altar, you can either give it a Redstone signal or right-click on it with a Wand.