Reprocessor Recipes

Mystical Agriculture allows you easily add your own Seed Reprocessor recipes using both Datapacks and CraftTweaker.


  • You can learn more about using vanilla datapacks here.
  • You can learn more about creating recipe JSON files here.

The Recipe File

This section will go over the values available to use in a Seed Reprocessor recipe. Syntax can be inferred from the example JSON below.

typeThe recipe type must be mysticalagriculture:reprocessor.
inputThe item that will be placed in the input slot.
resultThe item that this recipe will output once finished.

Example File

  "type": "mysticalagriculture:reprocessor",
  "input": {
    "item": "minecraft:apple"
  "result": {
    "id": "minecraft:potato"


Mystical Agriculture allows you easily add your own Reprocessor Crafting recipes using CraftTweaker.


CraftTweaker integration supports Recipe Managers! Access all applicable methods using <recipetype:mysticalagriculture:reprocessor>!

Adding A recipe

<recipetype:mysticalagriculture:reprocessor>.addRecipe(name, <output>, <input>);
nameA unique name for this recipe. Must be all lower case and have no spaces.
outputThe output item for this recipe.
inputThe item that is required to make the output.


<recipetype:mysticalagriculture:reprocessor>.addRecipe("test_reprocessor", <item:minecraft:apple>, <tag:item:c:ingots/iron>);

Removing Recipes

outputThe item to remove all recipes for.