Usage in Recipes

Using In Recipes

The different jetpack types are defined using Data Components. This means there is an extra step involved in using a jetpack (or it's crafting components) in a crafting recipe.

Jetpack Components

You need to use a Jetpack Component ingredient for Jetpacks and their crafting components.

typeThe custom Ingredient type must be ironjetpacks:jetpack_component.
componentThe item you want. Must be one of jetpack, cell, thruster or capacitor.
jetpackThe Jetpack ID.

You can find the Jetpack ID by enabling advanced tooltips (F3 + h), and checking the ID by hovering over a Jetpack.


  "type": "ironjetpacks:jetpack_component",
  "component": "jetpack",
  "jetpack": "ironjetpacks:iron"

Jetpack Tiers

If you want to create recipes that can accept any Jetpack of a tier, similarly to the default Jetpack upgrade recipes, then you can use the Jetpack Tier ingredient.

typeThe custom Ingredient type must be ironjetpacks:jetpack_tier.
tierThe numerical Jetpack tier.


  "type": "ironjetpacks:jetpack_tier",
  "tier": 2

Jetpacks As Recipe Output

You need to use a Data Component ingredient for jetpacks. In the Components tag you need to specify the jetpack ID.


  "result": {
    "item": "ironjetpacks:jetpack",
    "components": {
      "ironjetpacks:jetpack_id": "ironjetpacks:diamond"