Enchanter Recipes

Mystical Agriculture allows you easily add your own Enchanter recipes using both Datapacks and CraftTweaker.


  • You can learn more about using vanilla datapacks here.
  • You can learn more about creating recipe JSON files here.

The Recipe File

This section will go over the values available to use in an Enchanter recipe. Syntax can be inferred from the example JSON below.

typeThe recipe type must be mysticalagriculture:enchanter.
ingredientsA list of 1-2 input ingredients. Each ingredient has a count for the amount of items needed per enchantment level. Note that the highest enchantment level cannot be larger than 512 items.
enchantmentThe ID of the resulting enchantment.

Example File

  "type": "mysticalagriculture:enchanter",
  "ingredients": [
      "item": "minecraft:ice",
      "count": 24
      "item": "mysticalagriculture:experience_essence",
      "count": 64
  "enchantment": "minecraft:frost_walker"


Mystical Agriculture allows you easily add your own Enchanter recipes using CraftTweaker.


CraftTweaker integration now supports Recipe Managers! Access all applicable methods using <recipetype:mysticalagriculture:enchanter>!

Adding a recipe

mods.mysticalagriculture.EnchanterCrafting.addRecipe(name, <enchantment>, [<inputs>]);
nameA unique name for this recipe. Must be all lower case and have no spaces.
enchantmentThe ID of the resulting enchantment.
inputsA list of 1-2 input ingredients. Each ingredient has a count for the amount of items needed per enchantment level. Note that the highest enchantment level cannot be larger than 512 items.


mods.mysticalagriculture.EnchanterCrafting.addRecipe("fancy_sharpness", "minecraft:protection", [
    <item:minecraft:carrot> * 24, <item:minecraft:cobblestone> * 128

Removing Recipes

enchantmentThe ID of the enchantment to remove all recipes for.