Usage in Recipes


These ingredients are only available in version 5.0.0 or later!

Using In Recipes

The different jetpack types are defined using NBT data. This means there is an extra step involved in using a Jetpack (or it's crafting components) in a crafting recipe.

Jetpack Components

You need to use a Jetpack Component ingredient for Jetpacks and their crafting components.

typeThe custom Ingredient type must be ironjetpacks:jetpack_component.
componentThe item you want. Must be one of jetpack, cell, thruster or capacitor.
jetpackThe Jetpack ID.

You can find the Jetpack ID by enabling advanced tooltips (F3 + h), and checking the ID by hovering over a Jetpack.


  "type": "ironjetpacks:jetpack_component",
  "component": "jetpack",
  "jetpack": "ironjetpacks:iron"

Jetpack Tiers

If you want to create recipes that can accept any Jetpack of a tier, similarly to the default Jetpack upgrade recipes, then you can use the Jetpack Tier ingredient.

typeThe custom Ingredient type must be ironjetpacks:jetpack_tier.
tierThe numerical Jetpack tier.


  "type": "ironjetpacks:jetpack_tier",
  "tier": 2

Jetpacks as Recipe Output

Since each jetpack is differentiated using NBT, you will need to provide the NBT in the recipe result item.


  "result": {
    "item": "ironjetpacks:jetpack",
    "nbt": {
      "Id": "ironjetpacks:diamond"