Iron Jetpacks
Mystical Agriculture
Infusion Recipes
Mystical Agriculture allows you easily add your own Infusion Crafting recipes using both Datapacks and CraftTweaker.
The Recipe File
This section will go over the values available to use in an Infusion Crafting recipe. Syntax can be inferred from the example JSON below.
Field | Required | Description |
type | ✓ | The recipe type must be mysticalagriculture:infusion . |
input | ✓ | The item that will be placed on the Infusion Altar. |
ingredients | ✓ | An array of 1-8 items that will be placed on the Infusion Pedestals. |
result | ✓ | The item that this recipe will output once finished. |
Example File
"type": "mysticalagriculture:infusion",
"input": {
"item": "minecraft:apple"
"ingredients": [
"item": "minecraft:carrot"
"item": "minecraft:carrot"
"item": "minecraft:carrot"
"item": "minecraft:carrot"
"item": "minecraft:carrot"
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:potato"
Mystical Agriculture allows you easily add your own Infusion Crafting recipes using CraftTweaker.
Adding A Recipe
mods.mysticalagriculture.InfusionCrafting.addRecipe(name, <output>, [inputs]);
Field | Required | Description |
name | ✓ | A unique name for this recipe. Must be all lower case and have no spaces. |
output | ✓ | The output item for this recipe. |
inputs | ✓ | An array of 1-9 items. The first item is the item that goes on the Infusion Altar, and the rest go on the pedestals. |
mods.mysticalagriculture.InfusionCrafting.addRecipe("test", <item:minecraft:stick> * 10, [<item:minecraft:diamond>, <tag:forge:ingots/iron>, <item:minecraft:stick>]);
Removing Recipes
Field | Required | Description |
output | ✓ | The item to remove all recipes for. |