Extended Crafting
Iron Jetpacks
Ender Recipes
Extended Crafting allows you easily add your own Ender Crafting recipes using CraftTweaker.
Extended Crafting comes with CraftTweaker support built-in. You can make use of CraftTweaker to easily manage Ender Crafting recipes.
Adding A Shaped Recipe
mods.extendedcrafting.EnderCrafting.addShaped(<output>, [[<>, <>, <>], [<>, <>, <>], [<>, <>, <>]], seconds);
Field | Required | Description |
output | ✓ | The output item for this recipe. |
<> | ✓ | An input ingredient for the slot shown. These input arrays work in the same way as the normal crafting recipes, check out the CraftTweaker wiki for more information. |
seconds | The amount of seconds this recipe should take with a single Alternator. If this parameter isn't added, it will use the default rate defined in the config file. |
Crafting Time will decrease depending on how many Alternators are in range. See the config settings for more information.
mods.extendedcrafting.EnderCrafting.addShaped(<minecraft:stick>, [
[<minecraft:apple>, <minecraft:apple>, <minecraft:apple>],
[<minecraft:carrot>, <minecraft:carrot>, <minecraft:apple>],
[<minecraft:carrot>, <minecraft:apple>, <minecraft:apple>]
], 500);
Adding A Shapeless Recipe
mods.extendedcrafting.EnderCrafting.addShapeless(<output>, [inputs], seconds);
Field | Required | Description |
output | ✓ | The output item for this recipe. |
inputs | ✓ | An array of 1-9 items required to make the recipe. |
seconds | The amount of seconds this recipe should take with a single Alternator. If this parameter isn't added, it will use the default rate defined in the config file. |
Crafting Time will decrease depending on how many Alternators are in range. See the config settings for more information.
mods.extendedcrafting.EnderCrafting.addShapeless(<minecraft:cobblestone>, [
<minecraft:diamond>, <minecraft:diamond>, <minecraft:diamond>, <minecraft:diamond>, <minecraft:diamond>, <minecraft:diamond>
], 30);
Removing Recipes
Field | Required | Description |
output | ✓ | The item to remove all recipes for. |